Creating Affirmations


The power of conscious thought

How to create powerful affirmations + the science of our beliefs.


'What we think we become' - Neuroscience

Affirmations are simple but powerful statements that are used to rewire the focus of your mind by strengthening the connection between the conscious mind and unconscious behaviour through positive statements and beliefs.

We each have million of different beliefs about what the world, what is right and wrong, good and bad, true and untrue. We create these beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in to provide structure for our phsyche.

Modern science has shown us that on a practical level - a belief is simply a group of neutrons (we experience as thoughts) that have been linked together repetitively - enough times to lay down a foundational pathway to that thought which overtime establishes its ground as a steady belied or 'truth'.

Neuroscience shows us that 'neurons that fire together - wire together' - Dr Joe Dispenza

In other words if you continuously think you're, not thin enough, smart enough, confident enough, pretty enough, capable enough ....(fill in your own insecurity here) .....guess what you're going to believe?


"All behaviour is driven by belief"


Affirmations can help to reshape the beliefs, emotions, and attitudes that we have programmed into ourselves through years of unconscious thought patterns.


How to create an affirmation


  1. Start with an aspect you are looking to cultivate, transform or amplify within yourself or your life. It could be about your behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, body, relationships, job, etc.

  2. Create a positive statement that promotes your chosen aspect in the present tense that begins with I or MY. For example I am…. I have….. I feel…. I see….. I act…… My…..

  3. Commit to repetition. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Say them in your morning meditation or while you brush your teeth, repeat them when you're in the shower, stuck in traffic, waiting for coffee or when you can’t sleep at night. Write them down, write them on your mirror, write them in your diary, write them on your hand. If you're tech orientated (hello millennials) set your affirmations as your wallpaper or set reminders on your phone to keep your mind wiring and firing your chosen reality!