New Moon Ritual Guide

In the cyclical rhythm of our celestial dance, the new moon emerges as a moment of profound pause—a cosmic breath, inviting us to delve into the depths of our being. As the moon retreats into the darkness, it beckons us to journey inward, to surrender to the boundless potential of the void. Within this sacred emptiness lies our unbound creative essence, the source of pure potential energy waiting to be tapped into.

The energy of the new moon is one of introspection and introspection. It is a time to release the noise of the external world and drop into the depth of inner intelligence, where the whispers of our deepest truths and desires echo softly. Here within this sanctuary of the true self we align with personal dharma, what our unique gifts are to embody and share that exist beyond the expectations, societal norms, and cultural conditioning that block us from our own expansion and purpose.

In this moment of pause, we are offered an opportunity to shed the layers of illusion that cloud our authentic selves and unveil our magnetism. Here in the depth of the self we plant the seeds of our intentions and manifestations trusting that they will take root and blossom in the fertile soil of our being.


Set the Space: Begin by creating a sacred space for your ritual. This could be a corner of a room, somewhere in nature, or any quiet space where you feel comfortable, safe, and undisturbed. Clear the area of clutter and set the area with any items that help invoke a sacred, such as candles, incense, flowers, crystals, or sacred objects.

  1. Cleansing Ritual: Start your ritual by cleansing your space and yourself. This can be done using sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs. As you smudge your space, visualise any negative energies being released and replaced with positive, fresh energy.

  2. Grounding Practice: Before opening your the ritual portal, take a moment to ground yourself. This can be done through stillness, deep breathing/pranayama, meditation, or a grounding yoga practice. Let yourself anchor into yourself and the present moment.

  3. Meditation // Enter the Void: Allow yourself to begin to journey inward and suspend yourself in the depth of your inner most self beyond the noise of the world and all the impressions on the mind of how you think you should be or who you think you should be or what you think your life/goals/achievements should look like. Allow all these layers to dissolve through a meditation practice - it can be guided or self led with a technique that works for you. You can find my New Moon Guided meditation rituals here.

  4. Align your energy with your intentions/manifestations: Begin to reflect on what it is you truly desire. Let yourself visualise, feel, sense or imagine what it is you want more of in your life. What are the goals you are working towards. What are your intentions for this next lunar cycle. What does that look like in your day to day life. what does that version of you feel l like. What kind of choices does that look like for you. Allow yourself to align your potential energy towards the experiences and embodiments that you are cultivating under this new moon energy.

    You can use affirmations here to help reprogram your subconscious mind to create a trajectory within your deepest resources towards your chosen reality/goals.

  5. Closing the Ritual: As you close your ritual, connect to the frequency of gratitude, gathering any people, places, moments or things that you are grateful for. Find gratiude in knowing that all that you desire is on its way to you, its already in your time line & thats why you desire it. You may choose to say a prayer, Take a moment to ground yourself once again, feeling the space your body takes up in the room your in and connecting to the physical form before re-entering the world refreshed and aligned with your intentions.

Remember, the most important aspect of any ritual is your intention and sincerity. Let yourself open to the energy of the new moon to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and manifestation.

eliza giles